Youtube Tricks you should be using right away

Youtube is the go-to platform for videos for almost all of us. Trailers, skits, movies,
parodies - you name it and Youtube comes to our mind. Even after using it for a long
time, we often miss out on some features, which I believe will make using it an even
better experience than it already is. Here are my top 3 picks :

1. Play Youtube at speeds faster than 2x : We often find videos too slow for our
use and time even less to watch the whole video. This is where this trick comes
into play. Follow the steps below:
    a. Open the browser’s console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J (works for Chrome or
    b. Paste this line of code
        javascript: document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].playbackRate =
        parseFloat( prompt("Enter Rate") );
    c. Enter the rate you want (say 4x) in the popup that appears.
Boom! Enjoy your video the way you want.

2. Loop Video : How many times you have wanted to play a song on loop only to
realise that you have to drag the slider every single time right to the start at the
end of it. Fret not! This one’s easy: Just right click on the video and you will find a
loop option, click on it. Done. Now the video will keep on looping and you can
enjoy your favourite track on loop.

3. Gif it : Love giffing - this one’s for you. Just put "GIF" in front of a Youtube video
and then hit enter:

It will open a gif editor. Pick the start time and click on create GIF. Then spam
anywhere you want to :P

You know the tricks. You have YouTube. What the hell are you waiting for?
Go and have fun!

If you know some other cool tricks, do put them down in the comments. Share it if you like it.

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Youtube Tricks you should be using right away Youtube Tricks you should be using right away Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 20:09 Rating: 5

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