Tech Check #9 What is DC++?

Most college-goers must have heard of DC++.  The thing is literally  more popular than the Torrent there. Being in an engineering college myself, DC++ has been my source for everything- files, documents, notes, videos and softwares. but ever wonder what is? Let's cut to the chase.

DC or Direct Connect is a kind of P2P network - setting up an end to end connection between two users to enable file sharing over the LAN (preferably, or Internet ). It gives you the option to chat, find files, download or share as you may require. There is no restriction on the amount of information you can share till you have enough storage for yourself.

There is a hub- basically the centralized point of the network which shows all the files shared by other users connected to that hub. It does not host the file itself but only the file list itself and thereby sets a direct connection between the 2 users who can then download the file.There are private and public hubs. Private hubs require a username and a password and are limited to a smaller group as compared to a public hub which is open for all. The uploader can also limit the number of slots for the file he shares, that is, the number of users who can download the file at a particular instant.

DC++(for Windows) is a client that supports DC. The other popular clients are:

DC clients for Windows

  • ApexDC++

DC Clients For Linux

  • EskaltDC++
  • FreeDC++

DC Clients for MacOS

  • EskaltDC++
  • Mac DC++
DC is one of the most popular P2P connection besides of course torrent(which operate over larger regions)  but it is more popular in localised networks than over the Internet. So use it and don’t forget to drop your feedback.
Tech Check #9 What is DC++? Tech Check #9 What is DC++? Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 23:28 Rating: 5


  1. Needs better grammar, and a little more info than what I can easily find with a simple google search.

    1. Hey, thanks a lot for the feedback. We will surely keep that in mind. By the way, anything specific you wanted to be included in this article? Or any specific problem you would like to point out?


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