Just for Fun #1- Awkward air drops in PUBG

 pubg air drop fails on rooftop

Here is a new series by Capesaber, called Just for Fun, where we will cover some trivial but entertaining articles.

Today's about PUBG, or rather, about one of the many bugs in the popular game.

Imagine this: You are near an air drop, probably having used your own Flare Gun to call it.  Two weird things can happen. 

1. The air drop ALMOST reaches you, but damn! It gets stuck on some rooftop, just a bit out of your reach. Thankfully, its no reason to give up on it. Just take out a Frag Grenade, and with good aim and angle, you should be able to get the drop to fall down. This also works for overturned vehicles.

2. You get too excited to take the supplies, and move in close. Well a little too close as the drop falls on you. What follows is you getting hopelessly stuck under the drop, with seemingly know way to get out of it. In the solo mode atleast. In the duo and squad mode, there is still hope.
         Image result for pubg stuck under airdrop
Your teammate can through a frag at you, which  cause the drop to be pummeled away. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for the most part. A more sureshot way to get out of the mess is a simple hack: Vehicles. All your teammate needs to do is to get a vehicle as near to you as possible. On getting the 'Drive' or 'Get in' option, just click on it. And you're saved! The game lets you get in the vehicle.

Have these hacks helped you in the game? Any other weird situations you've faced in PUBG? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Just for Fun #1- Awkward air drops in PUBG Just for Fun #1- Awkward air drops in PUBG Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 20:52 Rating: 5

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