Tech Check #1: Li-Po batteries vs. Li-Ion batteries.

Nowadays it is seen that most of the smartphone manufacturers are moving towards Lithium Polymer(Li-Po) batteries replacing the conventional lithium ion batteries(Li-Ion).  So what is this fuss actually about? Let us compare the two.

Li-Ion Batteries:

Lithium is the lightest metal. It has the highest electric potential. This is one of the reason why Li is used. Li-Ion batteries have a carbon cathode and a liquid electrolyte. But moving away from scientific technicalities, Li-Ion batteries have a high energy density which means less space for more juice. Li-Ion batteries are also cheaper to manufacture. Another quality is that it can be made in a variety of shapes, including as thin as a credit card!

C-Rating: Ratio of charging or discharging from a cell or pack compared to its Ah rating.                                                                              

For example: A 3Ah cell means it can discharge 3A in 1 hour time.

Li-Ion batteries have a high C-rating. Thus they last longer.

Li-Po Batteries:

Li-Po is the newer technology. These batteries have a polymer cathode and a solid electrolyte.

First thing to know and note about Li-Po batteries is that they are much lighter than their predecessors.  They also guarantee a longer duration of power supply. This are one of the main reasons why manufacturers are drifting towards this. They have a lesser internal resistance for faster discharging and higher amperages up to 65 C. Li-Ion batteries age faster than Li-Po. This makes Li-Po batteries last significantly longer than Li-Ion. These batteries also have less chances of blasting.(ahem, Note 7, ahem).

On the downside, the batteries are costlier to manufacture and have a lower energy density.

The Verdict:

Li-Po is a newer technology built upon the learnings from Li-Ion's failures. Thus, it is bound to be have an upper hand. However, the Li-Ion is nowhere near dead. It is still the prime choice for most manufacturers and will be around for many more years to come, while Li-Po will be the blue eyed boy, used in most luxury offerings.   
Tech Check #1: Li-Po batteries vs. Li-Ion batteries. Tech Check #1: Li-Po batteries vs. Li-Ion batteries. Reviewed by Capesaber on 21:13 Rating: 5

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