How much RAM do you need?

RAM or Random Access Memory is wrongly regarded today as the sole indicator of a phone's performance and is a growing misconception that greater the RAM, better the phone. That is so not true. Today we tell you why. Let's cut to the chase.

What is RAM?

Random Access Memory is a dynamic memory that is allocated to the files or apps that you use. Random implies that any part of the memory can be accessed effectively at a high speed rather than going sequentially like in a Hard Drive or to say, ROM (Read-only Memory). In the context of a smartphone, on launching an application, a part of its data is stored temporarily in the RAM, while some of it is stored in cache(a memory with even less access time)

RAM is fast. It lets you zap back to a background application without having to start from scratch. It lets you switch between different apps, as if they were never closed. In short, it helps you to multi-task.

So how much?

The amount of RAM that is required is always a big question in the mind. To be honest, there is no specific number. It is entirely up to your usage, your device (OS). If you are a light user with a simple taste, less RAM will do, unlike in the case of a serious gamer who will require at least 3-4 GB RAM. An average Android user, though, should have at least 2 GB RAM. Vanilla Android itself requires 832 MB RAM, and on top of that, we have manufacturers adding their own modifications such as the TouchWiz  of Samsung or the Oxygen OS of OnePlus, which have their own demands. Then there are memory hogging apps like Facebook, Snapchat(yes, dog filters require more memory), etc., that take a lot out of your device.

In terms of performance, more than the amount of RAM, it is the optimisation of the OS that matters. A 4 GB RAM of Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge could easily beat the 6 GB RAM of Asus Zenfone 2 because the memory management of the former being better, which makes up for the lower RAM. A more lag-free experience can be found in iOS whose RAM requirement is even less because of the tighter grip on it's third-party developers. However, the background app management on iOS kills almost everything you currently aren't using, so it doesn't really count.

Another important criteria is the specification of the RAM itself. Smartphones have LPDDR RAMs (LP- Low Powered). LPDDR4 is better than LPDDR3 and so on. Even among a particular class, there are different clock speeds like 1500 MHz as we have in processors which has to be kept in mind. 


RAM is not the only criteria for a good user-experience. Having said that, it is always safer to have a phone with higher horsepower (3 or at max, 4 GB should be enough ) as mobile phone applications grow more demanding everyday. As mentioned, a 2 GB RAM would be enough if you lead a plain and simple life. Unnecessarily buffing up your phone only increases the end cost of the phone. My personal pick would be a healthy 3 or 4 GB.

How much RAM do you need? How much RAM do you need? Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 01:32 Rating: 5


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