How to delete pretty much everything Google stores about you

Google Tracking
This is going to be one of the shortest articles yet. Yet, it might be one of the most useful.

It is not a secret that Google tracks your activity; lots of it. All this to provide you with more relevant content such as ads and to personalize user experience. Now, its not all that bad. Google's servers are very secure, and there is little chance of the data leaking, and Google itself promises that your private data is NEVER read by humans. 

While you may be cool with items such as search history being recorded, it starts to get a little creepy on stuff like your calender history, or everything you ever said to the Google Assistant(yes, you can even play that back). While most of it is funny, or at the most cringe worthy, some of us aren't really comfortable with that information existing anywhere. 

Fortunately, Google itself provides us with the means to delete this data. All you need to do is to follow the link(click here), and log in. After that, delete whatever you don't want to be stored. You can also opt out of future recording of this data. 

Google Activity

So what do you think? Should this data be recorded? Let us know in the comments below. 
How to delete pretty much everything Google stores about you How to delete pretty much everything Google stores about you Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 20:51 Rating: 5

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