How to increase character limit to 280 on Twitter NOW!

Twitter Inc. recently announced what may be the biggest change for the company yet. The limit of characters in a tweet will double from 140 to 280.

The decision has met with very mixed responses. While some welcome this move saying that it will boost the growth of the social network as more people would be able to express themselves properly, others are skeptic. A valid concern is that this opens a lot of possibility to spam, as people tend to blabber before giving out the information that's actually useful(kind of like I am doing here). 

Whatever it may lead to, I am sure everyone is eager to try it out. Though the feature has been rolled out to very select users as of now, but here's how anyone can get it:

1. Install the Tampermonkey extension for your desktop browser.(If you use chrome, click here for the download link)

2. Now visit the Github Repo present in the link here.

3. Click on Raw on the top right corner of the page and tell Tampermonkey to install the script. 

4. Make sure the script is running in Tampermonkey, visit Twitter, and happily tweet your 280 characters.

When you now tweet, the 140 character restriction was not longer imposed. 

Did it work for you?

Do let us know in the comments below. 

UPDATE: Twitter has rolled out a fix, so the script may no longer work. We will try to find some other workarounds for you.
How to increase character limit to 280 on Twitter NOW! How to increase character limit to 280 on Twitter NOW! Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 15:34 Rating: 5

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