How to use the Mobile Data and Wifi at the same time without root?

Image result for use mobile data and wifi at the same tie
Courtesy: Youtube

You might have noticed if you are on your data usage and you connect to a hotspot, the mobile data turns off and you cannot use both at the same time. Now, if you are one of those who have access to Wifi and data pack at the same time, low internet speeds must have made you look for something that allows you to use both at the same time for obvious reasons- a faster Internet speed. Hopefully, there is a way out and here is how you can do it.


  1. Download the Speedify application from the Google Play Store.
  2. how to use wifi and mobile both at the same time on android device
    Courtesy: Speedify
  3. Turn on the Mobile Data and Wifi so that the application can combine both to make Internet faster.
  4. combine wifi and mobile data together for faster internet on android
    Courtesy: Speedify
  5. Now open the Speedify application and wait for a few seconds to connect to Wifi and Mobile Data.
  6. Once the connection is done, both the icons will get highlighted. Now you can close the application.
That's it. Now you can enjoy both of them at the same time. There is only one downside- the free version only supports the first 1 GB combined Internet usage per month. You can upgrade to the premium version for unlimited access.

Go ahead and give it a try. If you have a good experience, you can always upgrade to the premium version after all Internet speed is one of the critical daily requirements. Enjoy!
How to use the Mobile Data and Wifi at the same time without root? How to use the Mobile Data and Wifi at the same time without root? Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 19:37 Rating: 5

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