The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus: First Impressions

Samsung's newest offerings are here: The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. Both devices flaunt a refreshing design, new features and Samsung's home grown personal assistant, Bixby. Lets have a first look:

Galaxy S8

The S8 has a 5.8 inch display while the S8 Plus comes with a massive 6.2 inch screen. Now, the thing is, both phones have minimum bezels. To increase screen space, Samsung has even ditched a physical home buttons and the fingerprint sensor has moved adjacent to the back camera. This allows the body size of the phone to be kept at the bare-minimum, and sets the phones apart from bulky competitors offering similar display sizes. 

The screen is curved on both sides, and offers a pull- menu which is customizable. The design somewhat is reminiscent of the infamous Note 7.

Galaxy S8Both phones have a 12 MP back and 8 MP front camera, and offer 64 GB internal storage with SD card support. The phones will ship with Android 7.0 Nougat, are water resistant and offer wireless charging as a standard option, something which is progressive on the part of Samsung. 

The phones also have Samsung's personal assistant, Bixby built in. But right now, it is available only in select countries and is in beta, and hence ships alongside the Google Assistant. 

Galaxy S8 Bixby

Overall, the devices are worthy of bearing Samsung's name and were much needed to wipe off the bad karma of the Galaxy Note 7. The lack of a physical home button is a first from Samsung, and it is to be seen how users take to this design revamp. 

It is unclear when the devices will be available in India. As of the current launch figures,  the S8 will start at around  Rs. 56000 while the S8 Plus will be avalable Rs. 63000 onwards.

The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus: First Impressions The Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus: First Impressions Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 12:43 Rating: 5

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