Elon Musk ready to merge brain and computer with Neuralink.

Elon Musk is undoubtedly at the forefront of technological advances. The brain behind the plan to put people on Mars, is ready to transhumanise the society by backing Neuralink, a "brain-computer interface company." Elon Musk has long been cautious of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and believed that not embracing technology would result in falling prey to AI overlords.  

Neuralink uses a "neural-lace" technology to create a digital interface between digital intelligence and brain. It is basically implanting AI-equipped devices in your brain through a medical procedure ( not devised yet ) enhancing the inherent ability of the brain. 

Elon Musk believes that achieving symbiosis with AI will help in combating the super intelligent robots. The man behind SpaceX and Tesla definitely knows how to put his money in the right place.

To be honest, it does sound nice in the first place- the sci-fi stuff and everything. What  bothers me about the idea is the privilege and hegemony it would create.  The first people to access it would be the already entitled upper class, creating a further divide of potential along with economic stature in the society, which threatens its very fabric of equal opportunity.   Let's hope this doesn't become another case of an idealistic scientific venture giving way to evil. 
Elon Musk ready to merge brain and computer with Neuralink. Elon Musk ready to merge brain and computer with Neuralink. Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 20:44 Rating: 5

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