How to protect yourself from Smartphone Radiation if you believe in it.

This article treads on a grey area, but hear me out.
While mobile phone radiation causing cancer is still considered propaganda or a conspiracy theory, I wouldn't laugh it off. 
cellphone radiation

Electromagnetic Radiation of Cell Phones has been classified as a 'Potential Carcinogenic' by the WHO which, basically is their way of saying, 'figure it out yourself'. What I'm putting up here is that, while it may not be very likely, but Smartphone Radiation can very well go the way of Tobacco, or Lead Fuel. Today, we look into how we can possibly protect ourselves from this.

cellphone radiation

1. Anti Radiation Covers
Enter anti radiation covers. The idea is simple. The covers are supposed to block the radiation from reaching your body, hereby protecting you from the harmful EM waves.
Do remember that most of such covers available out there have NO scientific backing. The options which are proven to work such as Safesleeve and Pong are still niche, and are priced accordingly.

2. Earphones
The cheaper and the underrated alternative is using earphones. While these may not protect you from the radiation that's on your body, it definitely helps that you don't have to put the phone near your brain while taking. While the wired options will be a better bet, having a Bluetooth headset won't hurt much, too.

The Coco Phone

So, the question remains, should you invest in something like this? Throwing away the phone is out of question. Personally, Andrew Grove said it best with, 'Only the Paranoid survive'. Between a minute chance of cancer and a one time moderate investment, it is not very tough to decide. 
How to protect yourself from Smartphone Radiation if you believe in it. How to protect yourself from Smartphone Radiation if you believe in it. Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 21:34 Rating: 5

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