Is Google Glass back from the dead?

Google Glass, the famous optical gizmo, presumed dead, has recently sprung up to life!
This piece of technology which piqued the interest of everyone when it was announced by X (which was previously known as Google X before Google was re-branded as Alphabet inc.) back in 2013 has come up with a new update after enduring 2 years of stagnation.

Google Glass has got a 'My glass" app update in addition to it supporting Bluetooth. 
In a time span of two days, the glass received both a fix, and a firmware update. While we are not sounding any bells, and no official announcements have been made by Google, it seems unlikely that the giant would have a team of engineers still working on something that they do not wish to continue with. 

Is this the Resurrection that ardent Google fans were waiting for? The wearable priced above 1 lakh had met with a rather sticky ending last time, and sale was discontinued in 2015. Will this change?
Whether this update will make this piece of techno enabling ubiquitous computing more likable to the public or not, only time will tell. 
As of now, its heartwarming to see that Google has not forgotten its glasses yet.

PS- This article was originally written by Sudarshan Shrikanthan

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Is Google Glass back from the dead? Is Google Glass back from the dead? Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 21:39 Rating: 5

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