MythBusters #2 Do battery savers actually save?

Smartphones have evolved a lot from the age of flap-phones to almost bezel-less devices. Hardware and software has taken a leap too. Every advancement has a cost, viz., the reduced battery life. While the size of the battery has increased with the ever-slimming phones, I cannot say the same for battery technology which has remained almost stagnant for around a decade.

The apps are becoming battery-hungry. Some of the apps are running in the background downloading unnecessary updates and eating as much of the juice as possible. Thus, we are always on the lookout for ways to save. There comes the MIGHTY battery-saver application.

How the battery-saver apps work?

What it does is kill the unneccessary apps. It is the officer that patrols your device to avoid as much of the unneccessary usage as possible. We are lazy, that is why we need it. It "force stops" the apps running in the background and reduces the wastage of battery. 

Technically speaking, the battery saver apps does the following:

  • It force-stops the applications you think should not be running in the background.
  • It keeps the brightness as required.
  • It applies simple tweaks like turning off the Bluetooth, WiFi etc.

Are they worth the use?

It completely depends on how much you are willing to do by yourself. Everything that the saver does can be done by smart work. That gives you an upper hand as the saver apps occupy a bit of your system themselves and have their fair share of juice. If you are a lazy user, which most of us usually are, battery saver apps are a giveaway. Battery savers like DU battery saver and Greenify are worth trying. 

MythBusters #2 Do battery savers actually save? MythBusters #2 Do battery savers actually save? Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 22:26 Rating: 5

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