Should your smartphone's GPS or location service be on or kept off?

Booking an Uber to go to the amusement park or looking at the nearest Domino's in Google Maps, you are in the constant switching on and off of GPS. Reason? Pretty obvious. Switch it off and save battery. Not actually. 

GPS is a hardware device inside your smartphone. It never turns off; it’s always on so it can be used by some Google location services.. In other words, it is like a permission granted to applications. Switching it on or off will only block the applications from getting access to your location.

Does it save battery then?

To be honest, for an average user, yes, to some extent. Keeping the GPS off prevents the applications from sucking the extra juice you intend to save. Nevertheless, it is better disabling the application that use the location service rather than preventing it altogether.

ON or OFF?

ON. If you ever lose your phone, tracking your phone via GPS will be easier if it's on.. Just disable the battery hogging applications and use the location service simultaneously. If you are still hesitant to do so, you must keep either the WiFi or GPS on. In case your phone gets stolen, the location can be tracked for good.

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Should your smartphone's GPS or location service be on or kept off? Should your smartphone's GPS or location service be on or kept off? Reviewed by Mudit Choraria on 20:21 Rating: 5

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