Touchscreens- How do they work anyway?

Most of the inventions are results of an accident and so is the slamscreen of your ATM Machine (the resistive touchscreen) developed by Dr. G. Samuel Hurst. However, not all touchscreens were created equal, and the one on your smartphone is definitely not the one on a Kiosk Machine. In this article we explain the two most popular kinds of touchscreen technology: 

A touchscreen is basically composed of three parts:

1. Touch sensor: It is a glass panel which takes your touch input. It is transparent and bundled with the device screen. The most popular touch sensors are Resistive and Capacitive. 

A resistive touchscreen, as the name suggests, works on       resistance. When you press the screen(a bit hard, that is), two different electrical layers get touched causing an electrical disturbance, which is then recorded by a software to tell where the disturbance was caused. 
Such type of sensors are used in ATM machines, and anywhere where a single input is required at time. They are no good for multi-touch operations.

A capacitive touchscreen is different, in the sense that it operates on the charge that a body holds, in this case, your fingers(yeah, your body holds charge). They are made of materials like Copper and Indium Oxide, which can store charge. It works for multi-touch purposes. 

2. Controller: A controller converts the analog signal of a touch into a digital signal. This is the signal that is finally read and converted into the XY input

3. Software Driver: The software driver is what lets the digital signal to be implemented, as a click, or to open the options menu on a long press, whatever you need. Think of it as a translator. 

Bonus: Laser Touchscreen-
A lot of development has already taken place which are centred around making touchscreens ultrasensitive ( detects even hand wearing a glove ) or distinguishing between your different fingers. Laser Touchscreen, another way to have touchscreen is by having a grid of lasers above the screen. Wherever the grid was to be disturbed by hand, a touch would be recorded. This is how the Airbar works. Read more on it here.

What do you think? How would you implement a touchscreen technology? Let us know in the comments below, and we'll add the coolest ones to the list.

Touchscreens- How do they work anyway? Touchscreens- How do they work anyway? Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 16:09 Rating: 5

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