This Cool VR device will Warm you up

Virtual Reality is quickly reaching a point where it will turn from novelty to an enriching experience. Today, you have 360 degree view, wholesome sound, and timely vibrations to take you to the digital world. But, TEGway has created something that can potentially usher the next era of VR devices. Behold the ThermoReal.

ThermoReal is the 'world's first ultrathin flexible thermoelectric device'. What this means is that this tiny looking device can quickly heat or cool down between 4 to 40 degrees Celsius, giving you the added element of temperature to enhance your VR experience. It can also give a gradual temperature change, letting you feel things like slowly drowning in cold water or burning. 

What more, by alternating these sensations, it can also emulate pain, or a pinch, to be more specific. All this shatters the current boundaries of how immersive VR can be. 

Source: TEGway

Currently bundled on a battery powered stick, it can soon find its way into game controllers, chairs, suits, because of its nature, adding to not only VR and AR, but so many machine human interfaces. The possibilities sure seem endless. 
This Cool VR device will Warm you up This Cool VR device will Warm you up Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 20:28 Rating: 5

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