Why exactly can I not use my cellphone aboard a flight?

No phones on flights

'Please switch off all electronic gadgets during your flight'. Been there, heard that? And wondered why? Here's it.

It should be noted that this is more concern and less fact. The reason that is given is that your devices emit frequencies which can interfere with the frequencies of the aircraft communications and cause havoc. This is, at best, a hypothesis, and will probably not practically play out. But 40000 ft. above ground, you wouldn't want to take that chance, right?

Other reasons have sprung up for this. If communication was allowed in flights, especially the domestic ones which are already physically cramped, they may well become acoustically cramped too. Imagine a pressurized cabin full of people talking, and not to each other that is. 

No phones on flights

Capitalism could also be a factor. With more flights installing on-board WiFis and charging to use them, one cannot overlook that even these WiFis may be emitting those 'distorting frequencies'(though probability goes even lesser), but that is compensated by the cash it brings in, is it?

On-Board Wifi

In short, while I, at NO point encourage you to break any law, you would be probably safe, unless your phone is of the blasting kind(Read: Note 7). 
Why exactly can I not use my cellphone aboard a flight? Why exactly can I not use my cellphone aboard a flight? Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 20:16 Rating: 5

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