How to never lose your keys again

How often has it happened that you have misplaced your keys or some other valuable like a wallet or passbook. How frantically you have searched for it, while constantly thinking, "this should have a solution given the technology of today. Wish I could just dial my keys" 

Turns out, you can.

Meet Tring, a multipurpose Bluetooth device by Portronics. Tring connects to your phone and then works like a charm, giving you some simple nifty features that you always wanted...Here's a list:


All you need to do is attach this device with any valuable, and then if you lose it, just press the find button from the app on your phone. As soon as you are within 50 meters of it, it will start beeping. What more, Tring also stores the last location till when it was paired with your mobile, so it gives you a pretty specific search radius to work with 

The Anti Lost:

Happens to the best of us. We tend to leave some valuable at a place, and don't notice that we haven't kept it back. Tring covers you. As soon as you move about 10 meters away, both Tring and your phone will start buzzing, gently nudging you to get your item back.


The button on the tring, when pressed, can also click photos. This may come in handy while clicking pictures.

With a sleek design, a battery that lasts more that one year, and a waterproof and dust proof body, all within a 1000 bucks, Tring is one of the best device finders in the market right now. And, it is an worthwile investment capable of saving a lot of hassle. 

Official Site: Click

Buy It here: Click  

Get the app: Here
How to never lose your keys again How to never lose your keys again Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 21:02 Rating: 5

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