Tech Myths Debunked #3

Tech Myths Debunked Capesaber

'Information generates ideas. Incomplete information creates myths.' Today, we are going to look at some pieces of information, and see which ones can be regarded as myths. So here we go

"More network bars mean more speed."   
Source: Bigcommer

How often have we looked at the signal strength of our phones while travel and were disappointed on seeing one or two bars? The point is, the bars indicate the strength of the signal you receive from your nearest cellular tower. While less number of bars will result in more battery consumption for sure, it has little to do with speed. The speed of your connection would rather depend upon the number of people connected to the same tower as you. This is also the reason that sometimes you get much faster connections in villages rather than your urban dwelling, for there are less number of people availing connections from the nearby tower.  

 "Its okay to let your phone be connected to charger"

Source: androidpit

This is actually a conjecture which is still pretty much up for debate. While advancements in tech have eliminated the need for discharge cycles and whatnot, simply saying that keeping your device connected in charging forever is cool, is not correct. The simple reason is that the resultant heating and high voltage is sure to take some toll on your battery. 

"Megapixels equal Better Camera"

Source: stilljourneying

The short answer is no. While more megapixels does mean you can capture more depth, courtesy an increase in pixel count, it is of no use, if the captured points are not good enough. For a complete analysis, click here .

  "Deleting something from recycle bin makes it go away forever."

This one is very far from the truth. When you delete something, even from the recycle bin, all it does is that it makes that chunk of memory available for rewriting. The original data is still available at that location until it has been written over by something else. This data can be accessed in many different ways, including software like EaseUS Data Recovery 

Tech Myths Debunked #3 Tech Myths Debunked  #3 Reviewed by Shivam Kumar on 10:00 Rating: 5

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